ABOUT the Migraine Diet

Have you ever stopped to consider the possible side-effects of the additives & preservatives listed on the food labels at your supermarket? Why are they there? What do they do? Could they be making you sick?

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The Migraine Diet 

presents information as pertains to the following:

What’s in our food? What’s in your food?
“Commonly Cited” Migraine Triggers
Toxins & Neurotoxins
Avoiding MSG (the hidden names of Monosodium Glutamate)
Sulphites & Nitrites
Vitamin Supplements & Medication
Food Labels That Mislead
Sample Ingredient Lists
Alkaline & Acidic Foods
What’s Left To Eat?
Foods In My Cupboard: Ingredient Lists
The Glycemic Index
Other Factors That May Trigger Migraine
What Does It All Mean?


Take another look at what you’re eating!

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 “I see the complexity of migraine and the promise of current research in finding better migraine management solutions. 

I have experienced an increase in energy, improved sleep and sleep patterns, loss of body fat and consistently maintained lowered body weight for over four years (and counting) through diet, moderate exercise and a commitment to cutting additives and other toxins from my diet as outlined in The Migraine Diet. 

I wish health and success to all who read this book.”

info@themigrainediet.com .

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About the author : jjill